HelloFresh Alternatives

The most affordable meal planning alternative to HelloFresh

HelloFresh is a good option when it comes to meal planning for busy schedules and families, but is often expensive if you don't have a discount code and inflexible if you follow a specific diet or have allergies. If you're looking for an alternative to HelloFresh, consider Pepesto!
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💳 No credit card required

Top 3 Reasons Why You’d Need an Alternative to HelloFresh

While HelloFresh's value lays in planning and convenience, it does not meet everyone's needs. Here are the top reasons you often look for an alternative:


1. Expensive Without a Discount Code

HelloFresh can be expensive if don't have a discount code. This is the top reason we hear, and it makes HelloFress less budget-friendly for regular meal planning.


2. Limited Dietary Options

If you have specific dietary needs, allergies, intolerances, or medical conditions, HelloFresh's offering might not offer the personalization you need.


3. Lack of Flexibility

HelloFresh lacks the adaptability to truly fit your personal and family lifestyle and preferences when it comes to cravings, the number of portions, order frequency, or to consider what pantry items you have.

Why Would You Prefer Pepesto Over HelloFresh

Pepesto and HelloFresh offer the convenience of meal planning. However, Pepesto provides broader range of dietary preferences, cost and saving options, and customization.

Feature HelloFresh Pepesto
You Skip the Shopping
Helps Decide What to Eat
Saves Time
Variety of Recipes 🟡
Pepesto offers over a million recipes
Saves You Money
Pepesto picks the available products from the local supermarkets, utilizes their promotions, and what you have in the pantry.
Flexible Dietary Options
Flexible User Preferences
Number of portions, what you have in the pantry (or fridge) or control over the order frequency, as well as any other preferences the user provides.
Effortless Grocery Shopping UX
Our online shopping agent will place all products in your online supermarket's basket.

Pepesto ist Deine All-in-One-Lösung für Stressfreie Essensplanung

Dietary Preferences

Schnelle und einfache Essensplanung für alle

  • • Gib deine Ernährungspräferenz an – egal ob vegan, keto oder low-carb.
  • • Pepesto unterstützt über 80 Ernährungsweisen, Allergien, Unverträglichkeiten und gesundheitliche Bedingungen und bietet beispiellose Flexibilität.
  • • Teile, worauf du gerade Lust hast, was du im Kühlschrank oder in der Speisekammer hast, oder ob du lieber ein schnelles und leichtes Abendessen möchtest.
  • • Bestimme deine Portionsgrößen und wie viele Tage du im Voraus planen möchtest, damit jede Mahlzeit zu deinem Zeitplan passt.
Meal Schedule

Hochgradig personalisierte Essenspläne

  • • Pepesto durchsucht 1 Million Rezepte, um Essenspläne zu erstellen, die perfekt zu deinen Ernährungspräferenzen, Allergien und Ernährungszielen passen.
  • • Rezeptabgleich in Echtzeit: Wir wählen nur Rezepte mit Zutaten aus, die du sofort kaufen kannst – so wird die Essensvorbereitung so reibungslos wie möglich.
  • • Jedes Rezept enthält detaillierte Nährwertangaben, inklusive Makronährstoffe wie Proteine, Kohlenhydrate und Fette, damit du auf Kurs bleibst.
  • • Schritt-für-Schritt Rezeptanleitungen.
Meal Plans Grocery Orders

Verwandle Essenspläne in sofortige Lebensmittelbestellungen

  • • Einkaufen leicht gemacht: Pepesto erstellt eine detaillierte Einkaufsliste mit echten Supermarktprodukten, inklusive Preisen, sodass du genau weißt, was du kaufen musst.
  • • Pepesto verwandelt deine personalisierten Essenspläne in eine fertige Lebensmittelbestellung und spart dir Zeit und Energie.
  • • Unser KI-gestützter Einkaufsassistent legt die richtigen Artikel in deinen Online-Supermarktwarenkorb, damit du die passenden Produkte erhältst. Du musst nur noch die Lieferzeit festlegen und in deinem Supermarkt den Einkauf abschließen.
  • • Pepesto verbindet dich mit Einkaufsoptionen in ganz Europa, damit Essensplanung und Einkauf mühelos werden.
Meal Planning Experience

Verbessere dein Erlebnis bei der Essensplanung

  • • Rezepte importieren und in deine Essenspläne integrieren.
  • • Pläne auf Basis von Supermarktangeboten und Rabatten erstellen, um Geld zu sparen.
  • • Starte die Planung direkt, indem du in über 1 Million Rezepten suchst.
  • • Persönlich für dich: Speichere deine Ernährungspräferenzen, Allergien und Einkaufsvorlieben über mehrere Sitzungen hinweg für ein nahtloses Erlebnis.
  • • Zusammenarbeit mit der Familie: Teile deine Essenspläne, Rezepte und Vorlieben mit der ganzen Familie.
Jetzt Mahlzeitenplanung starten →

💳 Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich

FAQ: Everything you need to know

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

What is Pepesto?

Pepesto is your all-in-one meal-planning tool for healthy, delicious meals—whether for families, diets, or allergy needs. With personalized recipes, weekly planners, and automated grocery shopping, we help you and your family save time, money, and effort.

How does Pepesto work?

Pepesto works in three simple steps: you provide us with your preferences, we prepare a personalized meal plan for you, and then you use your online supermarket to order all products needed for the meals.

Do I need a credit card to try Pepesto?

No! Pepesto doesn't require a credit card to try it out.

How Pepesto is helping me?

Pepesto creates a personalized weekly meal plan for you. We equip you with the exact ingredients and products you need to buy from your local supermarket to prepare the meal plan. Pepesto then places the right products in your grocery basket, so you can quickly order it and get back to your day.

At what point do I make a payment to buy the meal plan?

Once you review the shopping list Pepesto creates for you, you have the option to buy it through the preferred supermarket. Pepesto will place all the right products into your online supermarket's basket. You will be redirected to your supermarket's grocery shopping and you will pay the supermarket (not Pepesto).

Should I review the shopping list Pepesto creates?

Yes, we recommend for you to have a look, and adjust or remove some of the products you already have at home, and you don't need to buy, and review the rest. We utilize an AI model in the background, so a quick look is a good idea.

Who is delivering the groceries?

You order all products through your favourite supermarket, so they are doing the delivery.

Do I need an online supermarket account?

Yes, you need an online supermarket account when you buy the products included in the meal plan.

Does HelloFresh have a keto diet?

No. HelloFresh does not have a keto diet.

HelloFresh Alternative

Ready to explore Pepesto?

Personalized meal plans and grocery shopping in just 2 minutes. Save time, money, and effort.

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Mit ❤️ aus Zürich, Schweiz.